Thursday, July 24, 2008

GOUT: Foods to Avoid or to Moderate

1. Oranges/Apples

2. Foods high in fructose (which can increase uric acid levels):
a. Sweetened soft drinks
b. Corn Syrup

3. Foods that cause increased purine production or cause the system to produce uric acid should be avoided. Purine gets broken down into uric acid in the body
a. Red Meats/Eggs/Poultry/ Processed Meats (hot dogs, lunch meats)/
Fish: Sardines,Herring, Anchovies, Roe, Scallops/Meat Gravies/
Shellfish: Mussels & Oysters/Organ Meats (heart, liver, kidney, brain, tongue)
b. Broth/Boullion
c. Fried foods/ Foods cooked in Oil (heated oil destroys Vitamin E)
d. Roasted nuts/ dried fruits
e. Rich Foods (Cakes, Sugar Products, White Flour Products)
f. Caffeine
g. Beans, Lentils, Cauliflower,asparagus, mushrooms, peas, dark Green Veggies
h. Oatmeal
i. Yeast Products

4. Acid Forming Foods

a. Artificial Sweeteners/Sugar/Brown Sugar/Table Salt
b. Carbonated drinks/Beer/Coffee/Liquor/Black Tea/Alcohol
c. Cigarettes
d. Flour (white wheat)/Pastries/cakes (from white flour)/Breads/white rice
e. Goat/Lamb/Pork/Deer/Rabbit/Turkey
f. Chocolate
g. Custard with white sugar
h. Jams/Jellies
i. Pasta
j. Vinegar

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