Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Have you heard of Dr.'s Remedy?

In the United States, it is legal for beauty products to contain chemicals which are linked to Cancer, Learning disabilities, infertility and chronic disease. Most of the nail polish found in pharmacies and convenience stores have toxic materials such as DBP, Toluene, and Formaldehyde in it.
The nail polish called Dr.'s Remedy on the other hand has naturally occurring substances such as tea tree oil, garlic bulb extract as well as Vitamin C and E and Wheat proteins. Children, especially girls, who wear nail polish on occasion and end up biting their nails and chipping their nail polish off, should be using this new natural nail polish.


The nail polish that we buy in our stores today and in the United States are filled with DBP, or dibutyl phthalate, which has been proven to have links with infertility and birth defects; Toluene or methylbenzene, is also used as an inhalant for intoxicating properties, but is no longer used since it has been shown to cause neurological damage. Finally, formaldehyde is also a substance in nail polish; it is proven to cause cancer and it isused since it aids in the durability and the longevity of the product.

These links to cancer, birth defects and infertility should ward you off regular nail polish for good.


Dr.'s Remedy is one of the brands of nail polish, developed by two Podiatrists, which have all naturally occurring substances, and are not harmful to the body. In fact, the substances used have significant antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

A few of the main products are listed below with their beneficial properties.

1- Tea tree oil: from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifornia plant. It is an anti-septic as well as an anti-fungal.

2- Garlic Bulb Extract: contains Allicin. It is an anti-bacterial, an antifungal as well as an antiviral.

3- Vitamin C and E: for the skin and nails.

4-Wheat protein: to increase shine, and has moisture-binding properties.

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